Supreme Oven Clean are fully qualified and equipped to clean ovens and other appliances across Dublin and the surrounding area following intensive training with OvenKing and The King Academy.

I am back after my week of training and raring to go!

I have spent 4 days learning and practicing cleaning ovens, ranges, agas, barbecues and more with the wonderful and knowledgeable people at OvenKing.

My van graphics, business cards, flyers and website are done, and awesome!

On the last day of training I was given a grade by the trainers.

Needless to say, I passed with flying colours and I am now an OvenKing and The King Academy certified oven and appliance cleaner.

I was so happy with the training I left them a review below:

I travelled all the way over from Dublin to complete the 4 day course with all the trimmings, met Daryl the leader and the rest of the amazing team behind this successful company.

Ricky gave me so many wise tricks and knowledge to success and help me progress wth my own company,everyone was amazing and helped me understand the ins and outs.

I would defo recommend this company if you are thinking of getting into this line of work.


Owner, Supreme Oven Clean

I have already got a bunch of oven cleans under my belt and more in the works. Check out my reviews on the ‘Our Customers’ page.

If you have an oven or other appliance that is in need of a good clean, give me a call, send me an email or connect on social media!

Certified Oven Cleaning Technicans

Our operators are fully-trained, equipped to tackle a wide range of cooking appliances, and certified by OvenKing